Graduate and Post-doctoral Awards and Honors
- Ashley Ruba, PhD, Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Wisconsin-Madison, APA Dissertation Award for Developmental Psychology (Division 7)
- Ashely Ruba, PhD, Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Distinguished Dissertation Award in the Social Sciences, University of Washington
- Jamie Hanson, PhD, Asst Prof at Univeristy of Pittsburgh, American Psychological Foundation Award
- Ashley Ruba, PhD, Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019-2022 NIMH Training Program in Emotion Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Jamie Hanson, PhD, Asst Prof at Univeristy of Pittsburgh, named APS Rising Star
- Brian Leitzke , Morse Society Fellowship
- Rista Plate, Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation 2014-2017
- Jamie Hanson, Friends of the Waisman Center Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Jamie Hanson, Fellowship, Summer Institute on Social Developmental Neuroscience, University of Maryland
- Jamie Hanson, Vilas Dissertation Travel Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Rista Plate, Emotion Training Research Fellowship 2012-2014
- Jamie Hanson, Travel Award, NIMH and University of Colorado at Boulder
- Jamie Hanson, Schwartz Fellowship, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Jamie Hanson, Fellow, NIMH Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of California Santa Barbara
- Jamie Hanson, Travel Award, National Academy of Sciences
- Sarah Romens, Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award (NRSA), titled “Early Chronic Stress and Development of Depression: Mechanisms of Risk”
- Jamie Hanson, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) from the National Institute for Drug Abuse, titled “Neurodevelopmental Correlates of Reward Processing and Adolescent Substance Abuse”
- Jennifer Alt, University of Wisconsin Medical School/Resident Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Nicole Strang, University of Wisconsin/Psychology Department Schwartz Fellowship Award
- Jamie Hanson, Fellow, John Merck Fund Sackler Summer Institute on the Biology of Developmental Disabilities
- Alison Wismer Fries, American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award
- Anne van Grondelle, National Institute of Mental Health Emotion Research Training Grant Fellowship (2007-2009)
- Jessica Shackman, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Population Health Sciences Dissertation Grant
- Elizabeth Shirtcliff, National Institute of Mental Health K01 Award (2007-2012)
- Jennifer McDermott, University of Maryland/Ann Wylie Dissertation Fellowship
- Sarah Romens, University of Wisconsin/Lyn Abramson Award for Cognitive Approaches to Psychopathology
- Alison Wismer Fries, Jeanette Hoffman Memorial Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
- Anne van Grondelle, University of Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
- Sarah Romens, University of Wisconsin/Psychology Department Collaborative Research Award
- Jessica Shackman, National Institute of Mental Health Kirschtein National Research Service Award Pre-doctoral Fellowship (F31) (2005-2008)
- Joe Flanders, Quebec Grants for Research on Society and Culture, Doctoral Research Fellowship
- Jessica Shackman, Marian Schwartz Fellowship for Cognitive and Experimental Psychology
- Jennifer McDermott, National Institute of Mental Health Kirschtein National Research Service Award Pre-doctoral Fellowship (F31) (2005-2007)
- Alison Wismer Fries, University of Wisconsin Graduate School Fellowship (2004-2005)
- Joe Flanders, St. Justine’s Hospital Research Centre, Quebec, Canada/Student Researcher Grant (2003-2005)
- Jennifer McDermott, National Institute of Mental Health Trainee Award: Early Experience, Stress Neurobiology & Prevention Science Network (2003-2005)
- Alison Wismer Fries, Alvin L. Berman and Ruth Bleier Memorial Research Award for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Research
- Jessica Shackman, National Institute of Mental Health Emotion Research Training Grant Fellowship (2003-2005)
- Alison Wismer Fries, Ramona Messerschmidt Trust Clinical Psychology Award
- Elizabeth Shirtcliff, National Institute of Mental Health Emotion Research Training Grant Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Jennifer McDermott, John Merck Summer Graduate Scholar
- Alison Wismer Fries, National Institute of Mental Health Trainee Award: Early Experience, Stress Neurobiology & Prevention Science Network (2002-2004)
- Jessica Shackman, University of Wisconsin Graduate School Distinguished Fellowship (2002-2003)
- Alison Wismer Fries, National Institute of Mental Health/Trainee, Training Program in Emotion Research (2000-2002)
Undergraduate Awards & Honors
- Eden Comer, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award; Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Ellie Thoma, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award; Honors Summer Thesis Award; Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Kinjal Mehta, Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Alexander Henoch, Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Selin Gök, Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Gwyneth DeLap, Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Anisa Ciaciura, Welton Sophomore Honors Summer Apprenticeship
- Selin Gök, L&S Honors Program Honors Senior Thesis Summer Research Grant
- Gwyneth DeLap, Trewartha Senior Thesis Award
- Abigail Durst, Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Teresa Turco, Fulbright Scholarship
- Stacey Sukoff, Welton Undergraduate Award
- Anna Grassley, Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Heather Steele, UW Madison Department of Psychology’s Outstanding Undergraduate Research Scholar Award
- Cassandra Windau, Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Gwyneth Delap, Welton Sophomore Honors Summer Apprenticeship
- Finola Kane-Grade, L&S Dean’s Prize
- Finola Kane-Grade, UW-Madison Department of Psychology’s Arlene R. Davenport Career Development Award
- Joanna Swinarska, Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Joanna Swinarska, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Finola Kane-Grade, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Rachel Reynders, Summer Internship, Dane County Department of Human Services
- Alex Rockni, Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Gwyneth DeLap, Welton Undergraduate Scholarship
- Sydnee Akubuiro, Rusch Summer Research Scholarship
- Alex Rokni, Welton Sophomore Honors Summer Apprenticeship
- Finola Kane-Grade, Welton Sophomore Honors Summer Apprenticeship
- Erin Long, Hilldale Award
- Rista Plate, NIMH Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship
- Emily Mischel, Hilldale Award
- Mallory Madden, Trewartha Award
- Rista Plate, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Allison Wojnar, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Alex Graf, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URS)
- Aaron Cohn, Fulbright Scholarship
- Jessica Jenness, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Erin Eatough, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Aaron Cohn, Ann J. Haney Infinite Boundaries Award for Women’s Health
- Elisa Donovan Walker, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Andrew Goodman, Sophomore Summer Honors Research Award
- Erin Eatough, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URS)
- Sarah Pluck, University League Undergraduate Thesis Award
- Brennan Young, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Brennan Young, Hamrin Prize for Outstanding Honors Thesis in Social Science or Humanities Division
- Adriana Gonzalez, Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- Judy Tan, Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- Erin Eatough, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URS)
- Shira Vardi, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Shira Vardi, Sophomore Summer Honors Research Award
- Mike Messner, Fulbright Scholarship
- Mike Messner, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Tanzea Freeman, Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- Justin Martin, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Susan Perlman, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Daniel Byrd, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URS)
- Mike Messner, Sophomore Summer Honors Research Award
- Justin Martin, Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- Chris Buckley, Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP)
- Felix, Mireles, Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URS)
- Craig Selinger, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Cory Burghy, Sophomore Summer Honors Research Award
- Sara Steinberg, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award
- Alison Wismer, Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award