Current Studies

Thank you so much for your family’s assistance with our studies on children’s development.


Online Studies

Please follow the link below to direct you to the current on-line study appropriate for your child’s age.


Attention and Emotion Category Learning

For 4.5 – 10 Year Olds:

This study is about how children categorize novel combinations of facial and situational cues.

The study will take about 30 minutes (including registration) and you/your child will receive a $10 gift card for participating.

Please note that parents will need to register and complete a consent form before children can participate, so you might want to do this before bringing your child over to start the game.

Click this link to access the study:


Motivational Learning Study

For 10 – 13 Year Olds:

This study is about how children use reward information to make decisions.

There are two study sessions that each take 30 minutes to complete. Each session can be done separately at your convenience. Your child will receive a $10 check for each session they complete.

Click this link to learn more about the study:


In-Lab Studies

To learn more about these studies and for information about participation, please contact our lab at: or 608-890-2525.


Facial Color Perception Study

Children Ages 4-5

This study is looking at how children identify emotional expressions.

Participation is approximately 30 minutes. Children choose a prize; parents receive a check for $25.


Language and Emotion Learning Study

Children Ages 5 – 7

This study is looking at how children categorize combinations of facial and situational cues.

Participation is approximately 30 minutes. Children choose a prize; parents receive a check for $25.